Somerville hosts a social Summer Hockey Competition for all ages and abilities at the AGS and DIO turf.

If you are new to hockey or wanting to stay fit over the off season, get your friends together for some hockey fun.

Year 5-6 | Mixed
Wednesday | DIO Turf

Game times

5.30pm, 6.05pm, 6.40pm

8 Week Competition

First game | Wednesday 16th October

Last game | Wednesday 4th December

We can no longer accept registrations as this competition is full.

Year 7-8 | Mixed
Tuesday | AGS Turf

Game times

4.00pm, 4.35pm, 5.00pm, 5.55pm, 6.40pm

8 Week Competition

First game | Tuesday 15th October

Last game | Tuesday 3rd December

We can no longer accept registrations as this competition is full.

2024 School 6-aside

Pushing only competition

Whilst summer hockey is designed to be fun and played with your mates, when that team of mates is too strong for the competition in that grade, you would be better advised to have two teams with more of a mixed ability range.

Team entry is preferable. We do accept single player registration, but cannot guarantee we will have a team for you to play in.

For enquires please email


$640 per team
Entries are on a first come first served basis. No entry will be accepted unless accompanied by payment.

One person per team to register through Play HQ. And the Summer Hockey Co-ordinator will contact you.
Direct credit to SHC bank account – 06 0257 0118012 02. Please include team name and night in the reference field.



3 Normanby Road
Mount Eden
Auckland 1024

Located at Auckland Grammar School Hockey Turf


In this programme the emphasis is on enjoyment, maintaining fitness and improving field skills.

Whilst competitiveness is not discouraged, it should be remembered that novice players need some encouragement and leeway and that the “win at all costs” philosophy is not always appropriate.  This is a non contact sport.

The normal rules of field hockey shall apply except to the extent that they are negated or modified by these rules.  The team organiser on behalf of ALL team members agrees to abide by the playing conditions and rules of this competition. 


The organising Club will not accept any liability or responsibility for injury, medical expenses, damage or loss of property occasioned by participation in this programme.

The organising Club reserves the right to make changes to the playing conditions/rules or the draw for each category. Changes to the draw include allocation of dates and time slots, cancellation of team entries for failure to meet payment terms or non-compliance with playing conditions or club rules. The organising Club undertakes to give adequate notice of such changes to the teams affected. Such changes will be sent to the person named as team organiser. The team organiser is responsible for notification of individual team members. In all cases the decision by the organising club shall be final.

Rules of play

Safety is paramount. The umpire is responsible for aiming to maintain a high level of safety throughout the game.  The umpire’s decision is final.

The game shall be played on a half field from normal sideline to sideline.

Tubing - The ball may be played off the tubing dividing the fields. 

Self Pass - Once past the halfway line, standard attacking 3rd rules will apply. From a free hit, the ball must not be played into the circle until it has travelled at least 5 metres or has been touched by any player other than the player taking the hit. All players must be 5 metres from the player taking the ball. The ball can be played from where the infringement occurred i.e. the edge of the circle but it must travel 5 metres before entering the circle.

Barging and aggressive behaviour will not be permitted nor will play deemed to be dangerous or likely to cause injury. Players must remain on their feet when tackling, – so no slide tackles are allowed.

Foot - If no advantage is gained from a ball hitting the foot the game shall continue. However, a field player deliberately kicking the ball will be penalised with the appropriate penalty. If a player deliberately kicks the ball within their defending half of the field the umpire may award a penalty corner.

There are no penalty strokes: a goal will be awarded in the event that a penalty stroke is given – e.g. if a ball hits a player’s foot on the goal-line.  

NO lifting - As summer hockey is meant to be enjoyable for all, there are no lifted balls unless it is a controlled jinx over a stick and even then any ball above knee height will be penalised regardless of any danger or advantage. In particular you must be very strict on the lifting of the ball into a defending player, which is becoming more common these days as a means of obtaining a free hit.

Blood rules will apply.

Swearing on the field will not be tolerated.

Intimidation of players in any way will be penalised.  Repeat offenders will be suspended from play. This especially applies to anyone pushing a ball at close range to any other player. 

Normal penalty corner rules do not apply. Instead a free hit will be awarded to the attacking team 5m from the circle and must travel 5m before entering the circle. Four (4) defenders will remain in the circle – the remaining two must be in the opposition circle.

Long corners - Normal rules apply. Long corners will be taken in line where the ball went out about 5m back from the top of the circle.

Sixteen hits - These must be taken anywhere inside the circle.

Pushing - The stick must be behind the ball and the player should use a push through action. No scoops, flicks, drag flicks, sweeps, reverse sweeps or slap hits are allowed.

Playing times

Games shall be 15 (fifteen) minutes each way with a 2 (two) minute break at half-time. Games shall start at 4.30pm, 5.05pm and 5.40pm.

Team composition

Each team shall consist of 6 (six) players. Teams may start the game with a minimum of 4 players but if after 5 minutes there are not 6 players on the field, the game will be forfeited.  The teams may continue to play.

In a programme like this, it is always possible that there are teams that are much stronger than their opposition. In such instances and in order to even up the game, in the event that one team scores 4 goals more than the opposing team prior to half time, then the losing team may add an extra player. 

Each team may use any number of interchange players.

All players shall wear mouth guards and shin pads.

A team may NOT field a fully kitted goalkeeper.

There are no kicking full backs.

All teams are to provide their own ball, first aid and ice.

Subbing during games must be done from your own defensive backline. 

Any player sent off during the game will have an automatic one game suspension: yellow - 1 game, red - minimum 2 games. The umpire will notify the organiser of the suspension.


The following conditions will apply.

Pushes at goal must not be lifted higher than the backboard: i.e. a goal cannot be awarded if the ball is lifted into the net, unless it is deflected from a defender’s (not an attacker’s) stick.

Reverse shots at goal are not permitted as these are hits.

Game Score

Goals shall be awarded as follows.

Field goal from within the circle, penalty corner and penalty strokes = 1 point

The winning team is the team with the most number of points at the conclusion of the game.

Competition points

Results will be recorded for grading purposes.

Winning team 3 points
In the event of a draw 1 point (to each team)

Umpires Decision shall be final

Abuse and harassment of umpires will not be tolerated. Disputing of umpire’s calls will result in a penalty corner to the non-offending team. If players continue to abuse umpires the umpire can deduct points from the offending team score. Persistent offenders will be ordered off and will be automatically suspended for one game. The team from which such player is ordered off shall play the remainder of the game with one fewer player.