Health & Safety at Somerville
10 Key Things | Health & Safety Policy | First Aid | Serious Injury Reporting | Health & Safety Statement
10 Key Things to Playing Hockey Safely
1. Wear your shinpads and mouthguards on the turf
2. Only enter the turf if there is active supervision by your coach
3. Do not warm up inside the fence if there is a practice or match underway
4. Do not stand where you may be hit, particularly near goals
5. Do not use your stick or body so that safety of others is endangered
1. Ensure facilities and equipment are safe before using
2. Actively supervise your players from warm up through to pack up
3. Have first aid and ice ready in case of injuries
4. Complete an incident report for serious injuries
5. Use incidents as "teaching moments" to promote safe hockey
Reflect on events so you continue to learn about playing hockey safely
Health & Safety Policy
The Club supports ACC Health and Safety policy, and in accordance with Auckland Hockey Association rules it is compulsory for players to wear mouth guard and shin pads when playing or practicing hockey.
First Aid
In a fast-moving sport like hockey there will always be accidents. The link below has some useful information to help take steps to proactively or reactively fix risks.
Serious Injury Reporting
An injury report is a tool that documents any event that has caused injuries to a player or spectator. It is used to capture injuries and accidents, near misses, health and safety issues, on and around the hockey turf.
If the incident happened during a game under the Auckland Hockey competition, the AKH Injury Reporting Form will need to be completed.
If the incident happened during training, at trials or during the summer hockey competition, then the Somerville Reporting Form will need to be completed.
Health & Safety (Safe Hockey) Policy Statement
Hockey is a dynamic sport, with the actions of players, their sticks and the ball inevitably bringing with it a clear injury risk, which cannot be eliminated. However, at Somerville Hockey Club (“the Club”), we want all our players to be able to play and practice hockey in as safe an environment as possible. Accordingly, the Club is committed to:
1. encouraging our members to take part, but always with concern for the health, well-being and safety of each participant
2. providing a safe and healthy sporting club environment for workers, contractors, visitors, members, players, spectators, volunteers, coaches and officials (“participants”)
3. managing any accidents/incidents in a manner which minimises harm to individuals and the Club in all cases to the extent that this is reasonably practicable given that the Club is community-based and operated by volunteers
Safety Actions - Committee
To support our Health and Safety (Safe Hockey) policy statement, the Club’s Management Committee is committed to the following duties and actions:
Ensure the Club complies with all NZ Hockey and Auckland Hockey policies, procedures and directives related to health and safety
Appoint a competent Club member to lead fulfilment of the Club’s health and safety policy, responsibilities and commitments (Health and Safety Co-ordinator)
Undertake regular, recorded assessments of hazards/risks at facilities used by, and all activities undertaken by, the Club.
Create a safer environment by putting health and safety measures in place as identified by the assessments.
Adopt a common sense approach to identifying, managing and/or mitigating risks, consistent with the overall health and safety purpose and policy
Conduct compulsory Standard Police Vetting checks for all volunteers over the age of 18 who will have unsupervised contact with Youth or Junior teams, and who are not coaching or managing their own child’s Junior team
Inform coaches and managers of the health and safety procedures and forms, and their other health and safety obligations, and support them in their roles in this respect
Encourage all coaches to adopt a health promotion approach to player welfare including adoption of good warm-up, hydration, SunSmart, and injury management practices
Provide access to adequate protective equipment, first aid supplies (replenished regularly) and qualified first aider if possible.
Ensure that all members are aware of, understand and follow the Club’s health and safety policy, and encourage participants’ contribution to health and safety by reporting potential risks or dangers on sighting
Report serious injuries sustained during a match through Auckland Hockey procedures, and through Club procedures for any Club activity or whilst using facilities owned or leased by the Club (e.g. practices)
Ensure accidents/ incidents are documented in an accident register, including the initial and follow-up actions undertaken by Club personnel. The register should be regularly reviewed by the Committee to inform risk mitigation strategies and actions
Ensure that emergency procedures are in place and posted where they are clearly visible as required
Ensure that the implementation of the policy is reviewed regularly and monitored for effectiveness.
Safety Actions - Participants
Take reasonable care for your own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by what you do or not do.
Contribute to accident prevention by reporting potential risks or dangers on sighting
Co-operate with the Club on health and safety issues.
Correctly use all equipment provided by the Club.
Not interfere with or misuse anything provided for your health, safety or welfare.